Life is a series of doors.

We open. We never open. 
We take a peek through a window or crack. 
We walk through and run out.
We slam them shut. We invite others in.

Just think about how many doors you walk through or by every day.   
When one closes, there is alway another one to open. 

We always have a choice: open, keep shut, hang on the other side, keep walking.

There are doors from our PAST, doors right in front of us NOW and doors to bring us to our FUTURE.

Let's start knocking.


Photo by 123ducu/iStock / Getty Images


What's your story? It's important to understand your past but we definitely don't need to spend much time here. Open the door, be curious and then move on to others that will keep you going.
Hi and bye.

Photo by WichitS/iStock / Getty Images


This is where we need to hang out for as long as possible. But we are human, so we spend to much time in the past or future! If we could stay behind the door of 'right now' we would just 'be'. The more doors you are willing to open, the closer you will become to living behind the doors of the present moment.
Here you are!

Photo by releon8211/iStock / Getty Images


Where do you want to go? It's a journey.The more you knock, the more curious you will become, the more you will learn about yourself and the more you will learn about who you are and ultimately where you want to go. Opening doors is an action and we must have action to move towards our future.
Let's go!